The Robin Foundation Announces Fund Raising Efforts To Reverse the Overdose Trends with the Help of Local Partners

The Robin Foundation Announces Fund Raising Efforts To Reverse the Overdose Trends with the Help of Local Partners

Opiod Emergency Kits Filled with Narcan

Cristina Frisby Cavallo Co Founder of The Robin Foundation-Harm Reduction Expert

Cristina Frisby Cavallo Co Founder of The Robin Foundation

The Robin Foundation Logo Which Represents Love and Unity

The Robin Foundation Logo

The Robin Foundation Announces Fund Raising Efforts To Reverse the Overdose Trends with the Help of Local Partners in South Florida

A primary concern is our kids’ taking pills that seem inconsequential to them but are extremely deadly when laced with fentanyl”

— Cristina Frisby Cavallo

FT LAUDERDALE, FL, USA, June 12, 2023/ — The Robin Foundation is a Not-for-Profit distributor of Narcan, certified by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services. The foundation provides Free Training to individuals, families, businesses, and organizations about the opioid pandemic and how to administer Narcan. Addiction to opioids has become a major crisis in the United States, especially in Florida. To that end, the Robin Foundation has prepared a training program to teach how to save a life in an overdose situation.

What to Expect from the Program

The training program includes providing life-saving measures to a victim using standard CPR practices. Another important lesson is how to administer Narcan to an overdose victim properly. This training program is approximately 30 minutes long and is open to the public.

The Robin Foundation has always been committed to changing and saving as many lives as possible during the biggest drug epidemic that the USA has ever experienced.

The Fentanyl Crisis

In addition to the opioid pandemic, the fentanyl scourge is a growing cause for concern. Fentanyl is a dangerous additive that can be found in almost every powder or pill on the streets today. A DEA report stated that six out of ten pills seized were laced with fentanyl.

Cristina Cavallo, the co-founder of The Robin Foundation, is a certified addictionologist and an expert in harm reduction. In a recent interview, she spoke on the dangers of fentanyl poisoning, saying, “A major concern is our kids’ taking pills that seem inconsequential to them but are extremely deadly when laced with fentanyl.

Cristina Cavallo also spoke of the dangers of vaping. She said, “The other major concern is our teenagers who are now vaping. Vaping and/or electronic cigarettes are a major health concern, especially with future lung and cardiac issues. Still, when you add fentanyl into the “mix,” the likelihood of overdose and death increases immensely.

Community Outreach to Raise Awareness

In just the last month, The Robin Foundation has attended six public events giving out Narcan and training material to show how to use it in case of an overdose. A common theme at these events was from parents and/or family members who disclosed they had lost someone to an accidental overdose. In some cases, the overdose may have even been intentional because the individual did not want to continue their daily suffering from their disease of addiction.

The Robin Foundation has begun fundraising to purchase and distribute 200 emergency overdose kits filled with Narcan.

These kits are placed at hot spots throughout South Florida, such as homeless living areas on the streets, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, hotels and motels, concert events, and university campuses.

Establishing Facilities for Those in Need

The Robin Foundation is also seeking funds to have a FARR (Florida Association of Recovery Residences) and MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) certified recovery residence for women who are the most underserved in Broward County and women and children.

According to Chris Cavallo, the cofounder, along with his daughter Cristine Frisby Cavallo, it is a dream inspired by Stefanie Cavallo, Cristina’s twin sister, who died from fentanyl poisoning in 2019. The goal is to create recovery housing for women somewhere in Broward County. Presently, the Foundation has submitted proposals for two grants to develop recovery communities for women. The target is to open its first facility in 2023.

The Robin Foundation is also selling products affiliated with the opioid pandemic. These products can be used to either help when CPR is being administered or store Narcan in bags or emergency kits. They will be free in high-traffic and public areas throughout the South Florida community.

The Partners in this Endeavour

Chris Cavallo has stated that the Foundation’s committed relationships with partners are a major factor in saving lives. Chris Cavallo states, “The expression ‘I can’t, we can’ is a centerpiece of The Robin Foundation’s beliefs. The community must come together and continue to educate and support each other in this desperate fight against fentanyl poisoning, which has caused way too many overdoses and deaths among loved ones. On-going conversations about this opioid pandemic must occur at family gatherings, community meetings/events, social media, and in any public forum. It is critically important to keep this topic relevant. The more substance abuse and mental health challenges are discussed, the greater the opportunity is to reverse what has become an unacceptable norm in daily life.”

Some partners include The Dept. of Children & Family Services, which provides The Robin Foundation with Narcan to distribute throughout South Florida. The United Way of Broward who are at the forefront of the fight against substance abuse disorder and the promotion of mental health. Showering Love, who advocates for the homeless community. Wondherful is an organization that provides “ Life Boxes” to those dealing with thoughts of suicide. Finally, South Florida Wellness is a peer-driven recovery community organization committed to behavioral health and holistic wellness for young people, adults, and families. Without these partners, the Robin Foundation cannot advance the cause, so they provide support in exchange for education and training.

You Can Get Help from the Robin Foundation

If you need Narcan, individually or as a business, and would like free training, don’t hesitate to contact The Robin Foundation. If you or a loved one needs counseling, has a family member or friend who needs mental health support, or is dealing with substance abuse disorder issues, don’t hesitate to contact the Robin Foundation TODAY!

Fundraising Opportunity

Finally, Robin Foundation humbly asks for support with their fundraiser, even through a small donation, so that they may continue their life-saving work. This includes educating and getting Narcan to as many businesses, organizations, and individual people as possible. In this way, the foundation can avert as many overdoses and deaths as possible in the South Florida community.

Chris Cavallo
The Robin Foundation
+1 954-310-0382
[email protected]
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