Writers of the Future Volume 40 eBook Certified Accessible

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future 40 book, eBook, audiobook

Writers & Illustrators of the Future Podcast 256. Michael Johnson, a technologist on future publishing trends discusses accessibility

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40” has been certified accessible, a vital step to enabling anyone with a disability to enjoy a book.

So get your books accessible. Get your books in the hands of those readers.”

— Michael Johnson, VP Benetech

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, March 21, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40” has been certified accessible, a vital step to enabling anyone with a disability to enjoy a book. Accessibility is relatively new, resulting from the W3C, World Wide Web Consortium. It is an initiative designed to enable a person with a disability to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as someone without a disability.

L. Ron Hubbard created the Writers of the Future competition to provide a means for any aspiring writer or artist to have their works seen and acknowledged. “So it is with considerable enthusiasm that we can share these winning stories and illustrations from eight countries this year to readers, regardless of their disability, to further bring his promise to fruition,” stated John Goodwin, president of Galaxy Press, who has partnered with Westchester Publishing Services UK (westchesterpublishingservices.com) in a program to make its titles accessible. “This is our second Writers of the Future volume to be certified accessible,” concluded Goodwin.

In a recent Writers of the Future Podcast interview with Michael Johnson, VP of Content at Benetech (Benetech.org), Episode 256, Johnson defines what accessibility is and its importance to publishers, authors, and most importantly—readers. He stated, “If you want to be able to reach all the readers with your stories, you should make your content accessible because we’re talking about over 20% of the earth’s population have some sort of print disability.” Johnson said that print disabilities need to be identified and fall into the following major categories, “somebody who is blind, someone who is low vision, someone who has dyslexia, and then there’s a series of other skeletal or muscular, or neurological issues which may cause somebody to have a print disability. The simple answer is, I’m holding up my phone, and if I hand my android to somebody and say ‛Can you read this book?’ and the answer is no, odds are they have some sort of print disability.”

Johnson concluded, “So get your books accessible. Get your books in the hands of those readers.”

Preorder “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40” and receive a unique digital bundle of extras at galaxypress.com/new-release/writers-of-the-future-volume-40/

L. Ron Hubbard initiated the Writers of the Future Writing Contest in 1983 to provide “a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.” Based on its success, its sister contest, Illustrators of the Future, was created five years later to provide that same opportunity for aspiring artists.

The intensive mentoring process has proven very successful. The 559 winners and published finalists of the Writing Contest have published over 2,000 novels, and nearly 6,300 short stories and their works have sold over 60 million copies. In addition, 16 winners have 41 New York Times bestselling books combined.

The 406 past winners of the Illustrating Contest have produced over 6,800 illustrations and 390 comic books, graced 700 books and albums with their art, and visually contributed to 68 TV shows and 40 major movies.

For more information about Writers and Illustrators of the Future, visit www.writersofthefuture.com.

Emily Goodwin
Author Services, Inc.
+1 323-466-3310
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L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 Trailer

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/697779218/writers-of-the-future-volume-40-ebook-certified-accessible