Transforming Business through Social Acquisitions” by the Just Like Family Collaborative

Transforming Business through Social Acquisitions” by the Just Like Family Collaborative

Book Cover

ONTARIO, CANADA, January 25, 2024 / — Introducing “Win Win Capitalism: How Social Acquisitions Will Change the Face of Business” – A Groundbreaking Book by the Just Like Family Collaborative

The Just Like Family Collaborative, a group of authors from Just Like Family Home Care, a Social Enterprise aiming to revolutionize the home care industry in North America, proudly presents their latest publication, “Win Win Capitalism: How Social Acquisitions Will Change the Face of Business.” This thought-provoking book unveils an inspiring blueprint for a new era in business, one that prioritizes compassion, inclusivity, and societal transformation.

At Just Like Family Home Care, we are driven by our heart-centered approach, putting families and communities at the core of our mission. We emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion, empowering those whose lives we touch. Our book, “Win Win Capitalism,” reflects these values and sheds light on the immense potential of social acquisitions in reshaping the business landscape.

This captivating narrative takes readers on an extraordinary journey, delving into the captivating story of Canada’s first social acquisition of a private business. Through the collective efforts of three prominent charities and nine individual impact investors, a once-small company has transformed into a multi-million-dollar business that is redefining the industry.

With Win-Win Capitalism at its core, this book offers invaluable insights into harnessing and redirecting the power of capitalism to create positive change. It illustrates how a group of values-aligned investors can join forces to build a successful business while uplifting communities, making a difference in the lives of every individual touched, and fostering a ripple effect of giving back.

Praising the impact of social acquisitions and social franchising, Kirsten Wright, an esteemed engineer at the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience, said, “Everyone in this space should read it. This book is a story of one of the first big successes in this area in Canada and offers a glimpse of a world in which for-profit enterprise centers people in communities of mutual support and care.”

Brendan McClenahan, Director of Content at Cyclical Inc., a leading sustainable faith-based innovation entity across North America, emphasized the significance of “Win Win Capitalism,” stating, “Today, more and more business and non-profit leaders are looking for ways to change the world for good. This book challenges existing paradigms and raises the bar for what is possible.”

Randy Terada, an influential consultant at Social Innovation Canada, lauds the book for its insights on harnessing the power of people to transform capitalism itself, saying, “This book is one of the best primers on turning capitalism back on itself. It exemplifies the potential of putting people first and changing paradigms from winners and losers to winners and more winners.”

“Win-Win Capitalism: How Social Acquisitions Will Change the Face of Business” is now available for purchase on Amazon Kindle. With ISBN-13: 979-8875955075, the book is authored by Carla Leon, Tom Auger, Karen Blackwell, Alana Breen, Sara Bowder, Stephanie Chan, Robert Dalgleish, Gordalin Ferguson, Alexa Gilmour, and Maria Lopez.

Discover the transformative power of Win-Win Capitalism and join us in shaping a future that prioritizes the well-being of individuals, communities, and businesses. Get your copy of “Win Win Capitalism” today!

For media inquiries, author interviews, or review copies, please contact:

Just Like Family Home Care

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About Just Like Family Collaborative:

The Just Like Family Collaborative is a collective of authors from Just Like Family Home Care, a Social Enterprise dedicated to transforming the home care industry in North America and restoring hope and compassion in the care business. Committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we promote diverse ownership and empower those whose lives we touch.

Just Like Family
Home Care
+1 800-728-9801
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