The life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons’

The life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons’

War and Peace: The Life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons

War and Peace: The Life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons

CINDERFORD, UNITED KINGDOM, June 3, 2024 / — Available now ‘War and Peace: The life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons’

Dive into the profound and often hidden world of military strategy and leadership with “War and Peace: The Life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons.”

This book is more than just a memoir—it is an intimate invitation into the heart and mind of one of the UK’s most distinguished military leaders.

Request a PDF copy from [email protected] for review.

Description: The events are set out not just from a high command perspective but from grass-roots, with all the human suffering, trauma, compassion and even survival.

The writing is attractive and very readable. It is modest, self-effacing, honest, and intimate. Readers will feel involved and drawn into the author’s confidence—and this is a gift of good authorship. Apart from immediate policy and action, there are deep and important themes, notably the nature of war and warfare as a fundamental human condition, the real-life horror of war, and self-sacrifice.

General Barrons’ service from 1977-2016 took him from the rank of a 2nd Lieutenant to a 4-Star General, witnessing pivotal moments in international military history—from the remnants of the Cold War to the complexities of conflicts in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan. His narrative brings the reader face-to-face with the multifaceted nature of war, from the trenches to the strategic command centres.

Crafted with the narrative charm reminiscent of P.G. Wodehouse and the candour of an experienced soldier, Barrons’ writing is accessible, engaging, and deeply personal. Beyond the battlefield anecdotes, General Barrons offers insightful analysis of leadership, the element of surprise in military history, and the evolving role of technology in warfare, including cyber advancements. His accounts of interactions with government bodies, the MOD, and comrades of all ranks present a unique glimpse into the dynamics of military life and decision-making.

Major peer reviews include Professor Jack Spence OBE and Professor Michael Clarke—both Fellows of King’s College London’s War Studies Department. As described by Professor Michael Clarke, “Richard Barrons knows what he is talking about… His writing is engrossing, mischievous, and has a very loud ring of truth about it.”

“War and Peace: The Life and Times of General Sir Richard Barrons” is not just a recounting of events; it is a reflection on the enduring questions and ethics of soldiering, the strategic use of military power, and the essence of effective leadership.

The book is published by the Pen & Sword Club and is available to buy via:


Request an interview

To request an interview with General Sir Richard Barrons please email: [email protected]

Meredyth Grant
+44 7496 725286
[email protected]
Charlie Charlie One LTD

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