“The Epic of Humanity Special Edition” by Billy Carson & Matthew LaCroix Hits #1 on Amazon Encyclopedias Bestseller List

“Unveiling the Ancient Mysteries: Humanity’s Epic Journey”

WESTON, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, March 14, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Renowned authors Billy Carson and Matthew LaCroix have achieved a remarkable milestone with their latest release, “The Epic of Humanity Special Edition,” soaring to #1 on Amazon’s Encyclopedias Bestseller List. Widely appreciated and critically acclaimed, this comprehensive book delves deep into the history of mankind and the evolution of human consciousness.

Combining Carson’s expertise in ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial phenomena with LaCroix’s deep understanding of spirituality and consciousness, “The Epic of Humanity Special Edition” presents readers with a captivating journey through the ages. From ancient civilizations’ mysteries to modern science’s cutting-edge discoveries, this special edition provides a holistic perspective on the human experience.

“Becoming the #1 Best-seller in Encyclopedias on Amazon with ‘The Epic Of Humanity Special Edition’ is a dream realized. This achievement underscores the insatiable curiosity and hunger for knowledge that we share as a collective. It’s a testament to the idea that when we delve deep into our past, we can uncover the seeds of our future,” said Billy Carson. “I’m deeply humbled and grateful for the support and enthusiasm of readers around the globe. Thank you for joining me on this remarkable journey of discovery.”

Matthew LaCroix added, “The Epic of Humanity has just hit a #1 Best Seller in Encyclopedias! The world is clearly hungry for truth and a new understanding of our timeline and ancient past.”

With a focus on uncovering the mysteries of the human origin story, the timeline of lost civilizations, and ancient catastrophes, “The Epic of Humanity Special Edition” offers readers a unique opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of human history and consciousness.

About the Authors:

Billy Carson- is the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc., the Best Selling Author of The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets, Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke, and The Epic of Humanity. He is also the winner of the 2022 Stellar Citizens Award.

Mr. Carson is also the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, a conscious streaming TV network, the host of the 4biddenknowledge podcast, and the Co-Host of the Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast. He is also a writer and contributor to Rolling Stone and Entrepreneur magazines.

Mr. Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Recently, Mr. Carson earned a Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. and has a certificate in Ancient Civilization from Harvard University. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Specifically, his space agency is involved in the research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices.

Matthew LaCroix- is a passionate writer and ancient history researcher who grew up exploring the mountains of northern New England. After college, his focus became studying archeology, ancient civilizations, physics, and history – and at age 32, he published his first major book entitled: The Illusion of Us.

In 2019, Matthew released his second book: The Stage of Time, which seeks to unravel the mysteries of the lost civilizations of antiquity, the ancient catastrophes that destroyed them, and a library of the greatest knowledge they left behind.

In 2023, he released his third book co-written with Billy Carson entitled: The Epic of Humanity, and went on to make a major archeological discovery near Lake Van in Turkey, where he found evidence of a previously unknown lost civilization – known as the Ararat Civilization, which would become the focus of his career in the future.

This led Matthew to start his own company called Ayanis Legacy, which focuses uncovering and documenting the secrets of the Ararat Civilization through archaeological discoveries, film creation, and books. Matthew has appeared on shows such as Ancient Civilizations and Beyond Belief on Gaia, The UnXplained on the History Channel, and hosted his own show called Mystery School of Truth on 4biddenknowledge TV.


Nikki Sheppard
4biddenknowledge Inc.
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/695705465/the-epic-of-humanity-special-edition-by-billy-carson-matthew-lacroix-hits-1-on-amazon-encyclopedias-bestseller-list