Shaolin knowledge from the publisher of the samurai bible Hagakure

Shaolin knowledge from the publisher of the samurai bible Hagakure

Cover Lebe wie ein Shaolin

Cover Hagakure Mukoh

Shi De Yang (photo public domain)

Edited by Shi Heng Yi, it introduces exercises, values, ideals and the history of the original Shaolin Temple in China

Life is Zen”

— Shi De Yang

FRANKFURT, HESSEN, GERMANY, January 10, 2024 / — Angkor publishing house (Angkor Verlag) presents authentic exercises and teachings from the Shaolin tradition. They originate from masters and students of the Shaolin Temple in China. The focus is on traditional exercises for physical toughening and concentration of the inner energy Chi, handed down from a former abbot. Readers learn wisdom from the respected modern master Shi De Yang and get acquainted with Shaolin rules, Wuseng and Wugong, the five principles of Qinna and the history of the monastery and its abbots.

Editor Shi Heng Yi is a monk ordained by the Chinese Shaolin Temple. This book deliberately distinguishes itself from a self-proclaimed “member of the 35th generation of Shaolin masters”, a German-Vietnamese who is neither authorized by the temple in China, nor does he hold a master’s degree from there (rather, he has the first student’s degree “duanpin”), nor is he a monk. This “Shi Heng Yi” (Tien Sy Vuong) runs a “Shaolin Temple Europe” in Otterberg near Kaiserslautern andmassively advertises on social media. Please avoid any confusion here. Further information about this Shi Heng Yi and a Playlist on YouTube

Angkor Verlag has specialized in Zen Buddhism, samurai and martial arts philosophy since 2000. Its greatest success was “Hagakure”. Angkor Verlag also publishes fiction from Asia.

Shi Heng Yi (ed.): Lebe wie ein Shaolin. Geist und Kampfkunst. 148 Seiten. Paperback. 15 Euro. ISBN: 9783988040022.

For the English version of Hagakure. The Way of the Samurai (transl. by Takao Mukoh) please see:

Please request review copies for both here: presse(at)

Foockenstr 5

65933 Frankfurt

Guido Keller
Angkor Verlag
+66 82 038 8023
email us here

Why Shi Heng Yi and Jiang Yu Shan are frauds and only disciples, not masters of Shaolin

Originally published at