Rafael Pérez’s Book ‘Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood’ Challenges Established Narrative of Early Chicago History

Book Cover of Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood

Rafael Pérez Guerra’s ‘Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood’ reexamines the origins of Chicago’s first non-Indigenous settler, Jean Baptiste Point de Sable.

Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood challenges the accepted origins of Jean Baptiste Point de Sable and urges a reexamination of Chicago’s early history.”

— Rafael Pérez Guerra

BROOKFIELD, ILLINOIS, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — In his new book, “Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood,” author and retired surgeon Rafael Pérez Guerra challenges long-held beliefs about the origins and identity of Jean Baptiste Point de Sable, widely considered Chicago’s first non-Indigenous settler.

About the Book:

In “Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood,” retired surgeon and historian Rafael Pérez Guerra reexamines the prevailing narrative surrounding Jean Baptiste Point de Sable, widely recognized as Chicago’s first non-Indigenous settler. Drawing on extensive research and primary sources, Guerra questions Point de Sable’s supposed Haitian origins and opines on his life and legacy in early Chicago.

Chicago Mystery:

The book delves into the true origins of the two enigmatic figures who settled in Chicago. It talks about historical inaccuracy and its backgrounds, shedding light on their roles in the city’s early development.

The Haitian Connection:

A central focus is the debate surrounding the claim that Jean Baptiste Point de Sable, often considered Chicago’s first permanent settler, was of Haitian origin. The book scrutinizes this claim, examining evidence and challenging traditional narratives.

The Importance of Accurate History:

The book stresses the significance of getting history right. It argues that correcting misunderstandings is essential for understanding the true legacy of historical figures and the events that shaped a community.

Primary Sources:

The book underscores the value of primary sources in historical research. It argues that relying on original documents and firsthand accounts can lead to more accurate and nuanced interpretations of the past.

Chicago’s Forgotten Past:

The book explores the hidden aspects of Chicago’s history, shedding light on overlooked figures and events. It seeks to offer a perspective on the city’s origins and development.

Chicago’s Significance in the Fur Trade:

The author underlines Chicago’s strategic importance as a trading hub, connecting the Great Lakes region with Spanish territories west of the Mississippi. Point de Sable’s establishment in Chicago is portrayed as a crucial point in developing the city’s early community life.

A Call for Historical Integrity:

“Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood” criticizes the perpetuation of historical inaccuracies and calls for greater rigor and honesty in historical research. It urges scholars and the public to prioritize truth and accuracy in understanding the past.

Point de Sable’s Identity:

The book challenges the “runaway slave” narrative, presenting Point de Sable as a well-educated and successful trader who established a profitable post and farm in Chicago. This reframing emphasizes Point de Sable’s agency and accomplishments, countering earlier depictions of him as a passive or marginalized figure. The mention of his mixed French and African heritage adds complexity to his identity, highlighting the diverse influences that shaped his life.

Challenging Tradition and Bias:

The author questions long-held traditions and biases in historical narratives, particularly those related to race and ethnicity. He advocates for a more inclusive and accurate representation of diverse historical figures.

Questioning the Motives of Historians:

The author questions why historians have clung to the “Santo Domingo” narrative for so long despite the lack of evidence to support it. He suggests that some historians may be motivated by personal agendas or biases rather than a commitment to historical truth.

About the Author:

Rafael Pérez Guerra was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 1948. He is a retired general surgeon with a distinguished career spanning over three decades. He is a member of numerous medical associations and has published several books and articles on various topics, including poetry, fiction, and history. “Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood” is the culmination of his decades-long research into the life of Jean Baptiste Point de Sable.


‘Elucidation of a Historical Falsehood’ is available on Amazon.

Contact Information:

For more information, interviews, or inquiries, please contact:

Rafael Pérez Guerra
+1 6309156523
[email protected]

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/721893277/rafael-p-rez-s-book-elucidation-of-a-historical-falsehood-challenges-established-narrative-of-early-chicago-history