New Jack the Ripper Horror Book Collection Tears a Page From the Limited Streaming Series Playbook

The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Horror Book Series I

The Whitechapel of Jack the Ripper 1888

The Whitechapel of Jack the Ripper 1888

The Ripper Lives: Abberline and Macnaghten in the Dark Abyss

The Ripper Lives: Abberline and Macnaghten in the Dark Abyss

Sequel to the Official Account of Jack the Ripper’s Rampage of Terror to Be Released as Literary Episodes

TORONTO, ON, CANADA, April 18, 2024 / — The thrilling new horror book ‘The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Series I’ is being issued in 10 parts. Taking its cue from popular limited streaming series, each part, categorized as a two-hour short read, fills a dual role: to be satisfying on it’s own merit and to further the narrative of the broader story. To keep readers interested and coming back for more, every chapter ends on a cliffhanger that is resolved in the follow-up.

According to author Kevin Morris: “We were influenced by the limited series based on Caleb Carr’s book ‘The Alienist’ and the ‘American Horror Story’ anthology. Creating a literary collection of episodes that work alone and together create a much bigger, more satisfying whole, really appealed to us. I’m not sure that has ever been done in book form, so this may be a first for publishing.”

It may be a rare concept, but readers are receiving it well. Since the first chapter was independently released on March 15, 2024, the horror book has achieved some impressive rankings among Amazon Best Sellers. In the United States so far, it has reached #8 in #HistoricalFiction Short Stories, #15 in #Serial Killers, and #18 in Two-Hour #MysteryThrillerSuspense Short Reads. It’s ranked in the Top 30 in at least three competitive categories in the United Kingdom, and the indie publisher promises that they’re just getting started.

The first five chapters are already available on Amazon worldwide, and the rest can be pre-ordered. The final set will be released weekly starting October 4, 2024.

Furthermore, ‘The Ripper Lives’ is the first series in a trilogy. Series II and III will drop in 2025 and 2026, respectively. “We decided early on that it would be a trilogy,” says Morris, “since this will provide a lot of time and space to build an audience and fully flesh out the narrative. This sequel has been 135 years in the making and we want to be sure that we do it justice.”

About Trilogies of Terror:

Trilogies of Terror is a genre publisher that was founded by author Kevin Morris. The house specializes in books in the mystery, suspense, thriller category and its sub-genres of horror, crime fiction, murder mystery, serial killers, and historical fiction.

The Ripper Lives is the company’s inaugural title. The story, while broadly categorized as crime fiction, includes elements of murder mystery, historical thriller, and suspense horror.

Trilogies of Terror books are released exclusively on Amazon and are available FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Kevin Snook
Trilogies of Terror
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The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Horror Book Series I Trailer #1 (Suspense Horror Version).

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