New Book Provides The Formula For Effective Patriotic Activism

New Book Provides The Formula For Effective Patriotic Activism

Empowered2ACT Is The New Book From RC Williams & Julianna Ormond, Available at

Empowered 2 ACT is crafted for grassroots activists who aspire to effect meaningful change practically and effectively.

ORLANDO, FL, UNITED STATES, April 15, 2024 / — In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century where the currents of change often erode the bedrock of our societal values, the call for patriotic activism rings out with renewed urgency.

The new book from researchers and evangelists, RC Williams and Julianna Ormond, “Empowered 2 ACT: Maintaining The Pillars of Patriotism,” is not merely a response to this call—it is a clarion call of its own, a manifesto for those who stand on the front lines in defense of liberty, tradition, and the enduring principles that constitute the foundation of our society.

This book is crafted for grassroots activists who aspire to effect meaningful change, those who seek to navigate the complexities of modern activism while remaining steadfast to the patriotic ethos that is the foundation of America.

“Our God-given gifts are definitely connecting the proverbial dots,” says Ormond. “It’s all about people’s three levels of knowing… First is, ‘you know that you know.’ Second is, ‘you know that you don’t know but can find the information.’ But then there’s the third, ‘you don’t know that you don’t know, but really need to know.’ This is why we created Sherloc…. Because we needed to know! So why not share the insights.”

“The third one is significant,” says Williams. “The ‘you don’t know that you don’t know, but really need to know’ is where you’ll find the goldmines and the landmines for potential successes or failures.”

In every chapter, from the strategic deployment of moral pressure to the cultivation of future leaders, “Empowered 2 ACT” stands as both a testament and a toolkit. It recognizes the challenges that lie ahead while offering hope, strategies, and inspiration for those committed to the patriotic cause. At a time when the morals of conservatism are questioned yet critical, this guide reaffirms the power and relevance of these ideas.

“This book is the antidote for Saul Alinski’s Rules For Radicals,” said Williams.

Williams and Ormond are co-founders of Watchmen Action, which is focused on connecting like-minds to one another, and to the tools and resources they need to flip the balance of power back to the people. The organization grew out of their profound need to share what they were learning thanks to their market research firm, Sherloc. This also led to the launch of their two publications, Ripped From The Headlines, which breaks down what the news really means, and We Are The Watchmen Weekly, which connects the dots between current events and scripture to equip the church to engage the culture.

Empowered 2 ACT is available in paperback and as an e-book to readers worldwide. For more information, including booking speaking engagements, visit

RC Williams
Empowered 2 ACT
[email protected]

Originally published at