Neurosurgeon Edgar N. Weaver Jr’s Book “Mindset of Spirit” Explores Humanity’s Potential For Benevolence & Survival

Neurosurgeon Edgar N. Weaver Jr’s Book “Mindset of Spirit” Explores Humanity’s Potential For Benevolence & Survival

Book Cover for Mind of Spirit

Discover the pathways to human kindness and resilience in Edgar N. Weaver Jr.’s insightful book, ‘Mindset of Spirit.’

Mindset of Spirit explores how cultivating our innate capacity for benevolence can guide humanity towards a more harmonious and sustainable future.”

— Edgar N. Weaver Jr., M.D.

ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES, June 7, 2024 / — Edgar N. Weaver Jr., M.D., a retired neurosurgeon with 37 years of experience, delves into the critical question of humanity’s future in his new book, “Mindset of Spirit.” The book examines the urgent challenges facing our species, including the looming threat of extinction, and proposes a framework for tackling these existential crises.

About the Book:

“Mindset of Spirit” delves into the foundational concept of the sanctity of every human being—in a way that is distinctive from the physiologic processes of life itself—and explores how aligning our actions with this ideal can lead to a more compassionate and just society. It introduces the concept of three interconnected “circuitries” within our minds: Self, Spirit, and Emotion. The book explores how cultivating the often-overlooked “Circuitry of Spirit”—our innate capacity for benevolence and ethical decision-making—could hold the key to a more harmonious and sustainable future.

Humanity’s Precarious Future:

The book discusses the alarming possibility of humanity’s extinction within the next few centuries, citing scientific evidence and predictions. The book explores the urgency of this crisis and the need for radical change to avoid catastrophe.

The Individual Mindsets:

The book talks about individual mindsets’ pivotal role in shaping human history. It explains how decisions, driven by our neural circuitry, collectively determine our fate. The author explores the concept of three interconnected “circuitries” within one’s mind: Self, Spirit, and Emotion.

The Circuitry of Spirit:

The author discusses the “Circuitry of Spirit” as a natural part of the human mind, representing our capacity for benevolence and ethical decision-making. The book explores how cultivating this circuitry could guide toward a more harmonious and sustainable existence.

Sanctity – The Foundation of Western Values:

The author explores the Judeo-Christian concept of the sanctity of every human being as a core value in Western societies. This concept implies a deeper respect for human dignity and a commitment to nonviolence, compassion, and justice.

Honesty, the Essential Ethic:

The book discusses honesty as a fundamental principle underpinning ethical behavior and the Circuitry of Spirit. The author explores how fostering honesty in our interactions can promote trust and cooperation, which is essential for addressing global challenges.

A New Dialogue for Humanity’s Survival:

The author proposes a “New Dialogue” focused on the individual as the fundamental unit of society. The book explores how this dialogue can foster understanding, cooperation, and the cultivation of the Circuitry of Spirit to navigate the existential crisis.

The Pursuit of Wisdom:

The book discusses the importance of going beyond traditional disciplines to pursue broader wisdom that encompasses human existence’s spiritual and ethical dimensions. In this pursuit, the author explores how our environment forms the circuitries of our mindset and, hence, its decisions. The book emphasizes the potential for consciously shaping our surroundings to promote positive decisions and reinforce the Circuitry of Spirit.

Environmental Influence on Mindset:

The author explores how our environment shapes our mindset and decision-making. The book talks about the potential for manipulating our surroundings to promote positive behaviors and reinforce the Circuitry of Spirit.

Hope for a Benevolent Future:

Despite the dire warnings, the author expresses hope for a future where humanity embraces its innate capacity for benevolence. The book discusses how this shift in mindset can lead to less suffering, greater fulfillment, and a more sustainable world.

A Call to Action for Individual and Collective Change:

The book emphasizes that collective action is essential for addressing the existential threats one faces and creating a brighter future for humanity.

About the Author:

Edgar N. Weaver Jr., M.D., is a retired neurosurgeon who practiced for 37 years. Raised in the Episcopal Christian church, he has always been deeply interested in the intersection of science and spirituality. “Mindset of Spirit” draws on his extensive knowledge and experience to offer a unique and hopeful perspective on humanity’s challenges.


Available on Amazon, “Mindset of Spirit” discusses individual mindset and its vital role.

Contact Information:

For more information, interviews, or inquiries, please contact:

Edgar N. Weaver Jr
Retired Neurosurgeon and Author
[email protected]

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