Liz Dobbins of Propelogy to be Featured on Close Up Radio

LAWRENCE, KANSAS, UNITED STATES, June 7, 2024 / — Liz Dobbins is Sensory Somatic coach and executive coach. She holds ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credentials and is highly trained with 200+ training hrs. along with coaching experience of 2,500 +coaching hrs. Liz supports individual leaders, and their teams, to perform more efficiently with a distinct and science-based method. As a youth, she realized her mind was sharper and her focus more intent when she was moving—for instance taking a run or on a long leisurely walk. She built a career on that thinking, both as an athlete and a coach, first for schoolchildren, and now with adults in the business arena.

Her business Propelogy is based on human body intelligence and sensory factors that imbue one with greater agility, resilience, self-awareness, and high-performance results. Liz works closely with seasoned leaders and coaches to help them navigate challenges, effectively train others, and strengthen their own abilities as well.

One of Liz’s many success stories boasted that connecting with her sensory fingerprint throughout the day made work easier, and helped her be more open hearted, graceful, and nurturing as an executive coach and educator.

When you first hear Propelogy you will realize the word propel is built into it, and that is exactly what the aim of each coaching relationship is; to move people forward with new confidence, purpose, and empathy.

Liz developed an integrated and personalized approach known as The Science of You. This approach is geared to the emerging needs of today’s leader, supporting them in things like building trust, empowering others, and engaging people.

“Movement is the universal regulator. You can’t dance without feeling better afterwards! This is the same principle, using our sensory systems and movement to establish a way of being, and to identify what we need to be more productive in a workplace or workday.” “You Move To Move Emotion”

Liz Dobbins began her career in Division 1 College Athletics. When she met a professor who shared her views on how movement affects us, she realized she had hit on something. She worked as a teacher for many years Identifying and observing children’s operating systems and how to navigate and modulate their day for success. Now she is dedicated to the sensory field. Beyond her coaching work she brings her insights in books, such as chapter, (Embodying Sensory Sense) in Embody Kind, A Guide for Authentic Living. Splash, Spin, Sprint, Movement is Fun, and Synchronizing Rhythm in Sports Skills for Elementary and Middle School Students. Liz is also an inspiring speaker, delivering her messages about movement and human body intelligence to newer and broader audiences.

She is also continuing her coaching studies, most recently receiving her Master’s level credential. Liz believes this lends a certain cachet when working with executives, who respect competency and markers. Rising through the ranks also means she has a better understanding of where clients are, and where they aspire to go.

Liz has presented innovative information and programs to countless audiences worldwide—from colleges to businesses, to other coaches, and also led inspirational retreats. She hopes to reach even more people by appearing on the radio in two brand-new shows.

Close Up Radio will feature coach Liz Dobbins of Propelogy LLC in interviews on Tuesday June 11th with Jim Masters and Tuesday, June 18th with Doug Llewellyn, each show at 4:00pm EDT

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If you have questions for our guest, please call 347-996-3389

For more information about Liz Dobbins and her work please visit:

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Close Up Television & Radio
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