Inspiring Children’s Book About a Mother’s Love Makes the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

Inspiring Children’s Book About a Mother’s Love Makes the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

Plumeri with her daughter and newest release: The Perfect Lullaby

Award-winning author Brittany Plumeri pens a beautiful story based on her own experience as a mother.

WALL, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, April 17, 2023/ — Author and mother of three, Brittany Plumeri, turned one of the most special moments with her first born son into a picture book that moms everywhere are praising.

“As I rocked him one night, I debated what song to sing him to sleep…but when I looked down, he’d already drifted off to his favorite lullaby: my heartbeat.” Plumeri said. “That’s why I titled the book: ‘The Perfect Lullaby.’”

New and experienced moms alike find the story relatable and heartwarming. Readers’ Favorite says: “The Perfect Lullaby is nothing short of extraordinary. There is real comfort in the story and how it is depicted that is hard to describe. The softness of the illustrations and the underlying hum of the prose have a calming effect that I have not come across before. It is also a perfect reminder of what truly matters.”

The book is available for purchase on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Brittany Plumeri has always had a passion for storytelling, it started in her days of “teaching” stuffed animals as a little girl. That led to her graduating from Kean University with a degree in Elementary Education. Currently, Brittany is a teacher, wife, and mother to 5 year old Noah, her toddler Ella, and newborn Luke, who continue to be her source of inspiration. If you’d like to learn more about how to get your own children’s books published, check out Brittany’s content through At Home Author.

If you would like more information about this topic or arrange an interview, please email the author at [email protected] or visit her website.

Brittany Plumeri
Once Upon a Page Press
[email protected]
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