Global Peter Drucker Forum Launches 15th Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest

Global Peter Drucker Forum Launches 15th Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest

The 15th Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest aims to engage the young generation in addressing the opportunities and challenges of our time in the light of Peter Drucker’s human-centered management philosophy.

Share your essay on "Next Education: How a New Generation Must Be Equipped to Lead In a Crazy World".

Share your essay on “Next Education: How a New Generation Must Be Equipped to Lead In a Crazy World”.

Winners of the Peter Drucker Challenge 2023 in Vienna at the Global Peter Drucker Forum

Winners of the Peter Drucker Challenge 2023 in Vienna at the Global Peter Drucker Forum

The Global Peter Drucker Forum is hosting the 15th edition of the Peter Drucker Challenge to discuss the theme “The Next Education”.

It is important to engage the young generation in addressing the opportunities and challenges of our time in the light of Peter Drucker’s human-centered management philosophy.”

— Richard Straub, Founder, Global Peter Drucker Forum

VIENNA, VIENNA, AUSTRIA, March 6, 2024 / — The Global Peter Drucker Forum announced the launch of the 15th Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest. The contest is open to students, young managers, and professionals between the ages of 18–35 years, from all over the world. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with the ideas of Peter Drucker. Peter Drucker is one of the most influential management thinkers of the 20th century.

The theme of this year’s contest is “The Next Education: How A New Generation Must Be Equipped to Lead in a Crazy World.” Top winners will be invited to participate in the Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna.

The theme fits in with the Drucker Forum’s new leitmotif for the next five years, which will characterize all activities: The Next Management.

Current management, characterized by an engineering mindset for a vanished era, has lost its way. It needed to be recontextualized and equipped for a very different world by putting back what is too often left out today: the human being with their unique intelligence, creativity, intuition, and ethical judgment. This is the only way to seize the opportunities offered by digital technology, and AI and Web 3, with confidence.

Entrants are invited to submit essays based on their personal experience that explore how the broader social-economic and geo-political happenings have changed the way we learn, and what the future of education might look like in the years to come.

“It is important to engage the young generation in addressing the opportunities and challenges of our time in the light of Peter Drucker’s human-centered management philosophy,” said Richard Straub, Chairman of the Global Peter Drucker Forum. “This contest is an opportunity for students and professionals to reflect on the changes that have taken place, and to share their ideas about how we can create a better future for them.”

The contest is open to students and professionals between 18-35 years and from all disciplines. Essays must be submitted in English.

The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2024.

The digital info session will take place on April 8, 2024.

Those interested can declare their interest to receive timely reminders about the Drucker Challenge deadlines.

A jury of experts in management and social sciences will select the winning essays. The top three winners of both categories will receive cash prizes and the opportunity to present their essays at the Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna on 14 and 15th November 2024.

For more information about the contest and prizes, please visit the Global Peter Drucker Forum website: Global Peter Drucker Challenge.

About the Global Peter Drucker Forum:

The Global Peter Drucker Forum is a leading international platform for management and leadership thinkers and practitioners. The Forum’s mission is to promote the ideas of Peter Drucker and to inspire a new generation of leaders to create a better world. The Forum is based in Vienna, Austria.

Yavnika Khanna
Global Peter Drucker Forum
[email protected]
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The Drucker Challenge Experience

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