Authors Darran “D. L.” and Shelly Crager to be Featured on Close Up Radio

NAMPA, IDAHO, UNITED STATES, June 3, 2024 / — For D.L. and Shelly Crager, the key to a life full of joy, is in our relationships. As co-authors of Is Your Life Out of Order and Battle in the Bedroom (The 4 Stages of Intimacy and Marriage), they have lived through and experienced the ups and downs of a successful relationship. With 38 years of marriage, they have a lot of experience to share.

According to D.L., “Many marital problems are rooted in expectations —especially for men—not aligning with their wife’s. Do Shelly and I still have bumps in the road? Absolutely we do. But our disagreements or confrontations are short lived. That’s because we have experienced the importance of communication and looking at each situation through different lenses, to find the source of each problem.”

“This is why having the knowledge and understanding of your partner’s love language and communication style, along with expectations and past experiences is essential for a successful marriage. Shelly explains, “As a society, we normally do not purposely learn relationship building (such as in a school setting) until it’s too late. It also does not help when communication now adays is mostly through technology where the relational dialog is only words; void of feelings or emotions.

“God created everything with a purpose; and this is to have relationships. Here’s a simple example: The sun’s rays give warmth and nourishment as the soil gives its own nutrients and a place for plants to grow. Then water is added to give life. But it doesn’t stop there. We have completely different life forms that must participate in the relationship of the plants for the plants and all life for that matter to exist; bees and hummingbirds’ along with wind for pollination to reproduce. Every plant depends on these relationships to have life, and it did not begin by accident, but with intelligence and a purpose. Everything in life is relational. In fact, D.L. and I use the phrase ‘Simply Relational’ in our books because, well, everything really is simply relational.”

As the Elementary Principal of Idaho’s largest Christian school with 1,400 students, Shelly understands how technology is affecting everyone’s relationships, specifically students and parents. She explains, “What we’ve done with technology is isolated ourselves from others as we hide from the outdoors. More and more children are spending most of their time indoors. Kids are plugging into smart phones and computers, to play games and watch videos, spending too much time indoors admiring all that humans have created. Just look outside at your neighborhood. Do you see any children playing out there? We are continually seeing less and less children playing outside in God’s creation.

“Though an important educational tool, cell phones are interrupting the classroom. At our Christian School, we require students to leave their cell phones at the door. The irony with technology is that we are actually doing the opposite of what we think we are doing and that is; separating ourselves from each other and from God; without even realizing it.”

She continues, “When we’re indoors, we don’t use all the senses God gave us; smelling fragrances of the outdoors, viewing the scenery or feeling the wind and different temperatures, listening to the actives of nature or even putting our bodies into motion. We are damaging our children by failing to teach them the importance of outdoor participation and human interaction to experience real-life relationships.

“Technology, which claims to be making our lives easier, is making everyone more stressed. “Kids and parents are stressed because we simply don’t have enough time to do everything we think is important. Technology has created more chaos and work. Because computers can complete tasks so quickly, managers and executives feel employees can add more work to our already full days. Today, I see parents working longer, robbing valuable time with their children because of technology,” shares Shelly.

“Of course, technology has many benefits, but it’s just too saturated. Shelly explains, “What I’m seeing is everything being driven by the flat screen, almost as if we’re human drones performing whatever the computer tells us. It’s very sad that kids and parents are not developing their relationships and not experiencing God because of the addiction to be on a computer or cell phone and not interacting with each other.”

Shelly is working on her Ph.D. in educational leadership to enhance her skills in the field of education. She explains. “While God will direct our next steps, both D.L. and I hope to be able to visit schools and churches worldwide to hold seminars on the importance of relationships, specifically with marriages and parenting.”

To help children, parents, and married couples alike, D.L. and Shelly continue to work on their next relational book on parenting. D.L. is working on a separate book to specifically help and encourage men with their roles as a husband and father while growing their relationship with God. “Men need to hear what their potential truly can be, and that failure is not a negative, but rather, a positive stepping stone of experience,” shares D.L.

To give fresh and exciting life to Christian fiction for teens and adults, D.L. has published 3 action packed books: Guarding the Past, In a Warrior’s Quiver, and Journey of the Hidden. His new book, Hiding in the Cloud, set for release this October/November, is an enhanced fictional retelling of a solo backtracking trip he took 40 years ago. Explains D.L., “I am blessed to have trekked above the Arctic Circle for a little over a month with an experience retired guide. Two weeks of backpacking to a lake, then we canoed for 2.5 weeks back to Bettles (a small town on the Arctic Circle along the Koyukuk River) to be flown out. The main character in the story is about a young man trying to run away from his recent life filled with tragedies. Through the trek the young man learns from the older man to hide his faith in the Cloud, or the Holy Spirit. Understanding that when he’s in an actual cloud, he can’t see too far ahead and has to trust his instruments. That’s how to have a hopeful and joy filled life—hiding in the Holy Spirit and trusting in God to navigate our lives. He learns how to stop being angry, upset, fearful, worried, etc., by just hiding in the Cloud of Glory; the Holy Spirit.”

Close Up Radio will feature D. L. and Shelly Crager in a three-part interview with Doug Llewelyn on Wednesday June 5th at 1pm EST, Wednesday June 12th at 1pm EST, and Wednesday, June 19th at 1pm EST

More specifically, on Wednesday June 5th and Wednesday, June 19th, D. L. Crager will be interviewed. On Wednesday June 12th, Shelly Crager will be interviewed

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information about D. L. or Shelly Crager, please visit

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Close Up Television & Radio
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