An Intriguing Tale of Nineteen Sons of King David Unraveling a Dynasty’s Struggle for Power

An Intriguing Tale of Nineteen Sons of King David Unraveling a Dynasty’s Struggle for Power

All the King’s Sons: A Story of Nineteen Sons Of king David By Archibald Asberry Jr.

SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, July 27, 2023/ — In a charming new book titled All The King’s Son, author Archibald Asberry Jr. takes readers on an enthralling journey through the turbulent history of King David’s family. This story examines the struggles for power, the repercussions of sin, and the realization of heavenly promises through the lives of his nineteen sons.

The book opens with a profound reflection on the ancient prophecy from God regarding the enmity between the offspring of the woman and the serpent. It probes into the Davidic royal dynasty and illustrates the anarchy that ensues when the king marries and has offspring from too many women.

The author has used his artistic license to fill in the blanks between the biblical facts and dates about King David’s family, giving the reader the impression that they are in the palace, watching the royals.

Asberry eloquently portrays the devil’s relentless attempts to thwart God’s plan by seeking to corrupt the bloodline that would give rise to the chosen Messiah.

The narrative shares the complexities of King David’s dynasty, once united in harmony but shattered by his transgressions, giving rise to betrayal, conflict, and moral decline among his sons.

Despite God’s promise of an everlasting throne through David’s bloodline, his descendants grapple with their carnal desires and the insidious influence of the devil.

Readers are exposed to an environment of political intrigue, sibling rivalry, and the consequences of straying from the righteous path as the story unfolds.

From the tales of Amnon, Absalom, and Solomon, who chose different paths in life, to the lesser-known sons whose actions added to the family’s turmoil, the book offers a charismatic glimpse into the inner workings of a royal lineage grappling with temptation and the pursuit of power.

Throughout the pages, the author skillfully draws parallels between the past and the present, making readers contemplate their choices and decisions. By examining the consequences of obedience and disobedience to God’s laws, All The King’s Son becomes a historical account and a timeless reflection on human nature and the pursuit of righteousness. The author weaves a compelling narrative that blends history, moral lessons, and thought-provoking insights.

Intrigued readers can find All The King’s Son available for purchase at online retailers.

About the Author

Archibald Asberry Jr. is a talented author with a passion for exploring biblical history and its impact on contemporary society. With a unique storytelling approach, he aims to engage readers with compelling narratives that resonate with universal themes and timeless truths.

Archibald Asberry
Urban Book Publishers
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