A “Power Couple” Launches the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game Series to Tackle Climate Change From the Bottom Up

A “Power Couple” Launches the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game Series to Tackle Climate Change From the Bottom Up

Story and Game series helping children and families in 85 countries defeat malaria and other neglected tropical diseases and save billions of dollars yearly.


Co-creators of the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series doing a field work.


Story and Game series helping children and families in 85 countries defeat malaria and other neglected tropical diseases and save billions of dollars yearly.

A duo of Social Innovators Launches Kick Out Malaria Story and Game Series to Help Children and Families in 85 Countries Defeat Malaria and Save Billions of USD

As a teacher in the early grades for 8 years, I feel saddened to see children struggling to cope in the classroom because of malaria… To this end, the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series was born”

— Paul Abayomi Jeremiah

LEWES, DELAWARE, UNITED STATES, April 1, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Kick Out Malaria series, which comprises a set of storybooks, story apps, computer video games and short animated episodes, is created to help children and families in 85 countries and territories defeat malaria and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) caused by poor sanitation. Whilst it is easy to tag malaria and other preventable diseases “the diseases of the poor”, it is, in fact, a global development problem as it costs the entire world billions of USD, hundreds of thousands of lives, and plunges millions more people into poverty yearly.

The Co-creators, who are Paul Abayomi Jeremiah and Rebecca Amarachi Jeremiah, adopt a holistic approach to solving one of the major problems that the world has been battling for years. The series in its entirety is inspired by their four year old daughter – Jemimah, as their desire is to see her live in a world free from malaria to fulfill her dreams. This cannot be overemphasized as children from birth to 14 years account for more than 80% of the total malaria cases and deaths yearly.

According to UNICEF, over 1,000 children die of malaria every day. In 2022, malaria caused an estimated 249 million malaria cases and 608,000 malaria deaths in 85 countries as per The Global Fund – a multilateral organization at the forefront of the fight against malaria, HIV, and Tuberculosis. In Nigeria alone, between 150,000 to 300,000 children die of malaria annually.

Education and technology take a central stage in this solution put forward by this team that the entire world will talk about for many more years to come.

“As a teacher in the early grades for 8 years, I feel saddened to see brilliant children struggling to cope in the classroom because of preventable diseases like malaria and other NTDs. I personally believe that education and technology possess the power to solve preventable problems if properly aligned. So, we are harnessing that power and the opportunities presented by the latest technologies to topple malaria’s dominance in countries across the world. To this end, the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series was born.” – Paul Abayomi Jeremiah.

A lot has been done to eradicate malaria with more than US $26 billion spent by global funders as of June 2022 and billions more spent out-of-pocket by households and families in countries with high malaria burden to treat the disease yearly, but malaria remains a major global concern still. Climate change is one of the culprits of this prevalence.

“Our Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series is driving behavioral change. We are helping children and families to adopt a healthy lifestyle for their well-being and embrace positive attitudes toward tackling environmental pollution for the common good. When we are talking about the effect of pollution on climate change and global warming today, we are simply talking about the poor handling of human waste besides industrial pollution. Heaps of waste blocking the drains, creating mosquito breeding sites, and ending up in our oceans today didn’t happen in one day. It starts from home. So, our series is addressing the root cause of malaria prevalence, while, at the same time, fighting climate change.” – Rebecca Amarachi Jeremiah.

Whilst having malaria eradication at the core, the Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series will go above and beyond to enrich children and families anywhere in the world with the right knowledge to live healthily and is also a good companion for family time.

As The Global Fund puts it – malaria is the oldest pandemic and it has the potential to become the next pandemic (more like COVID).

Be a part of history – help children defeat malaria today! The Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series is currently LIVE on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform. You should head there right now to support this project.

Paul Abayomi Jeremiah
Millennial Solutions LLC
+1 347-690-0192
[email protected], [email protected]
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Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series – Intro Video

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/700362463/a-power-couple-launches-the-kick-out-malaria-story-and-game-series-to-tackle-climate-change-from-the-bottom-up