Turkey Medical Tourism Stats 2023 Infographic

Turkey Medical Tourism Stats 2023 Infographic

Care in Turkey

Care in Turkey

Turkey continues to grow rapidly in the field of health tourism. You can examine Turkey’s health tourism in 2023 with our infographic.

ISTANBUL, TURKEY, April 5, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Turkey continues to grow rapidly in the field of health tourism. You can examine Turkey’s health tourism in 2023 with our infographic.

In an era where medical tourism has become a pivotal aspect of healthcare, Turkey has emerged as a beacon of innovation and excellence. The 2023 medical tourism landscape in Turkey showcases a significant leap in growth, resilience, and global appeal, according to the latest stats and patient insights.

In 2019, Turkey established itself as a premier destination for health tourism, welcoming 701,046 visitors. Despite the setbacks of 2020, which saw numbers dip to 407,423 due to the pandemic, Turkey’s commitment to quality healthcare and stringent safety protocols paved the way for a swift recovery. The years that followed marked an era of exponential growth, with the numbers soaring to 1,258,382 in 2022, and reaching a staggering 1,800,000 by 2023.

The surge in health tourists not only underscores Turkey’s resilience and capability to adapt but also its growing popularity among those seeking superior medical services, cutting-edge treatments, and the warmth of Turkish hospitality.

Why Turkey? A Look at Patient Preferences

Patients’ preference for Turkey hinges on multiple factors, with 63% citing affordability, 58% attracted by the country’s touristic appeal, and 51% appreciating the ease and short duration of travel. Other decisive factors include the quality of hospitals/clinics (33%), highly qualified and experienced doctors (31%), luxurious travel services (29%), advanced medical equipment & technology (20%), and minimal wait times (19%).

The diversity of Turkey’s medical tourists reflects its status as a global healthcare hub, drawing individuals from across Europe, the Middle East, and beyond, including Germany, Russia, the UK, and many others.

Trending Treatments and Surgeries

The infographic reveals a distinct preference for treatments among health travelers to Turkey. Half of the patients sought hair transplantation, followed by ophthalmology procedures (18.1%), cosmetic surgeries (15.57%), and dental treatments (15%). Cosmetic surgeries further break down into face & head (43.94%), body & extremities (30.05%), and breast (26.01%) enhancements, with liposuction, rhinoplasty, and breast augmentation leading as the most popular procedures.

Comprehensive Data for a Clear Perspective

This rich data tapestry is woven from authoritative sources, including the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) and insights from leading hospitals and clinics. Enhanced by detailed surveys from 1,384 patients and prospective patients, both face-to-face and online, the infographic offers a nuanced, patient-centric view of Turkey’s medical tourism sector in 2023.

By harmonizing scientific data with genuine patient experiences, Turkey’s healthcare narrative for 2023 is one of quality, diversity, and innovation, setting new benchmarks in medical tourism on the global stage.

About Us

Care in Turkey is at the forefront of promoting Turkey’s medical tourism, committed to showcasing the country’s advancements in healthcare services and its potential as a leading destination for medical and health tourism.

Making High-Quality Healthcare Widely Available

We strive to create a future wherever more patients are free to access high-quality aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

We believe in the life-changing benefits of cosmetic procedures. We believe that quality of life & self-esteem should not be a privilege.

It should be everyone’s birthright to have access to first-class, world-renowned surgeons. Everyone should be free to get operated in a state-of-the-art medical facility.

We work to impact the world by democratizing safe, reliable healthcare. We work to give people the freedom to choose.

Selin Yıldırım
Care in Turkey
+90 2129095909
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/701356604/turkey-medical-tourism-stats-2023-infographic