National Coconut Day: Celebrate the Wonders of Coconuts on June 26

Coconut Cream Panna Cotta

UNITED STATES, June 22, 2023/ — Get ready to go coco-nuts as National Coconut Day approaches on June 26th, a day dedicated to celebrating this tropical fruit’s versatile and delicious wonders since 2017!

The history of coconuts in the United States dates back to the late 19th century when Philadelphia flour miller Franklin Baker received a large shipment as debt payment. Unable to sell them before spoilage, Baker established a factory to shred and dry coconut meat, paving the way for its use by home cooks and professionals alike. By the early 1900s, coconut cream was used to make pie, custard, or frosting, while grated coconut was added to cookies and confections.

Coconut’s Rise as a Key Ingredient in American Cuisine

Since then, this fruit has captured the attention of culinary enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, so the area of application and the ways to use it significantly expanded.

Coconut milk has found its way into paleo, then into vegan and keto recipes as a substitute for dairy milk. It makes coffee creamer, dairy-free milkshakes, or breakfast oatmeal.

The refreshing and hydrating properties of coconut water have made it a popular beverage choice, whether enjoyed on its own or blended into smoothies. It is rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

Coconut oil is widely used in the kitchen since it can withstand high temperatures without breaking down. It is solid at room temperature but becomes liquid if heated. Virgin coconut oil tastes coconutty, but refined oil has no coconut flavor.

Canned full-fat coconut cream became the go-to heavy cream substitute in vegan recipes. From delectable coconut cream pies to savory curry dishes, there is an array of irresistible coconut cream recipes to satisfy every palate.

Dried and finely grated flesh, known as desiccated coconut, adds texture and flavor to sweet and savory dishes, whether to top coconut cookies or use it as a breadcrumbs substitute.

Coconut flour has emerged as a gluten-free alternative for baking and is widely used in the paleo diet, where no grains are allowed. While the flavor is not as strong as shredded coconut or coconut cream, there is a noticeable hint of coconut in baked goods that use coconut flour.

Coconut sugar provides a natural and caramel-like sweetness. Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener derived from the sap of coconut palm trees. With its brown tint and smaller granules, it is similar to brown sugar. While coconut sugar is a natural alternative, it should be enjoyed in moderation and not be mistaken as a healthy sugar alternative.

Coconut Beyond the Kitchen

From personal care products to household items, coconut proves its remarkable versatility.

Coconut oil entered the personal care industry, lending its moisturizing properties to various products, including soaps, shampoos, and lotions. Experts at Cleveland Clinic recommend using coconut oil as a body moisturizer, makeup removal, or lip balm. Using it as a face cream is not advised since it is highly comedogenic and causes acne breakouts.

Coconut fibers from the husk are transformed into ropes, mattresses, and brushes, showcasing their durability and usefulness. Coconut mattresses became popular, although experts at Onsen Sleeping states, “A mattress with coconut is one of many products that should not exist, and yet there is a demand for it.” Coconut scrubbing and toothbrushes became popular in the zero-waste community as an alternative to non-degradable plastic brushes.

Coconut shells can be repurposed into bowls and utensils. They are typically crafted from discarded coconut shells that would otherwise go to waste, making them a sustainable choice. Coconut bowls have gained popularity through social media platforms, where users showcase visually appealing meals presented in these charming bowls. At the time of publication, Instagram has more than 220,000 posts where #coconutbowls were tagged.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are made from coconut shells. Blazing Coco, a premium American manufacturer, claims these briquettes burn hotter and up to three times longer with less smoke and ash than regular charcoal.

As National Coconut Day approaches, it’s a perfect time to appreciate the multitude of ways in which coconuts have captured our fascination and enriched our lives. To celebrate it, this reminds you of its remarkable contributions to the culinary world, personal care, and sustainability.


Emese Maczko
My Pure Plants
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