Modevise Launches Style Platform with a personal approach that Relieves Womens’ Daily Torment Over “What Should I Wear?”

Modevise Launches Style Platform with a personal approach that Relieves Womens’ Daily Torment Over “What Should I Wear?”

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Personalized Style Advise Modevise

Personalized Style Advise Modevise

Modevise Silhouettes

Modevise Silhouettes

Unique site enables users to match wardrobe choices to body type and personal styles, along with weekly recommended outfit formulas for everyday wear.

HENDERSON, NEVADA, USA, March 5, 2024 / — Modevise today announced the launch of its unique online style platform, which offers women a solution to an underappreciated daily question: “What should I wear?” This seeming simple but vexing challenge may involve significant time spent digging through closets and trying on different outfits. Modevise helps users speed up this process and landing on a stylish and suitable outfit every time.

According to Founder Kateryna Antonyuk, who is a stylist and entrepreneur, “Growing up in Ukraine, I was always intrigued by the latest fashion trends and choices, and I still am doing this today. But, I realized this takes time, and I often found myself in front of an unorganized wardrobe thinking, ‘I have absolutely no idea what to wear or even what to wear tomorrow!?’ This was the impetus for Modevise. With the platform, it is possible to know what style and silhouettes suit you—keeping my wardrobe organized and relieving me of daily stress.”

Modevise eases the daily “torment” of choosing what to wear by sharing basic elements of styling. The site shows users how to underline their beauty inside and out through the elements of their wardrobes.

For a $14.99 USD monthly subscription, users get style advise based on their body shape, a guide that helps them declutter their wardrobes. They also receive a weekly updated set of outfit formulas for everyday wear.

The site provides style advice based on the user’s body shape. For example, Modevise’s recommendations for a woman with an “hourglass figure” will be different from those offered to a woman with a “circle” figure.

“Everyone’s body shape lends itself to flattering fashion,” Antonyuk explained. “The trick is to understand how certain silhouette of a dress or overall outfit will work with a body type. Unfortunately many women feel like they can’t look good because they don’t look like something they saw online. We get them past that fallacy. Everyone can be gorgeous if they understand how to work with their own bodyshape, to know what to underline and which silhouettes to avoid.

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Kateryna Antonyuk
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