Crimson Scimitar – Re-Imagined History – A Thriller

Crimson Scimitar – Re-Imagined History – A Thriller

Crimson Scimitar Novel – Available in bookstores and online

Author SP Grogan's 5th Exciting Book

Author SP Grogan

Picture of Twin Towers on 9/11

Twin Towers – 9/11

Year 2011 when American Culture collides with the War on Terrorism – by Award-Winning author S.P. Grogan

Crimson Scimitar is labeled as the ‘Awakening Epic of Our Times’, reminding readers that a 9/11 could happen again and that we must be vigilant.”

— Award-Winning Author S.P. Grogan

LAS VEGAS, NV, USA, August 14, 2023/ — Crimson Scimitar Attack on America 2001-2027, Including the Official Proceedings of the Capture and Trial of Osama bin Laden by S.P. Grogan – Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books – Public Release date: September 2023 ISBN 978-1-59211-331-6

Crimson Scimitar by S.P. Grogan is an expansive action-political terrorist thriller that tells the ‘what if’ story–What if, in 2011, instead of being killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is captured and put on trial, what would American justice look like, and would the outcome be as expected? What if prior to his capture he and al Qaeda were planning to launch an attack on America worse than 9/11? Who could stop it?

In Crimson Scimitar is the chase to capture bin Laden, the “Trial of the Century,” the diabolical Crimson Scimitar plot in action, and climactic ‘gun battle at the bridge’. Author S.P. Grogan’s writing seamlessly blends the political War on Terrorism events of 2011 into a realistic landscape that features strong women characters, an eccentric centi-billionaire, reality television stars, SEAL members on the attack, battling defense and prosecution lawyers, CIA agents, the President of the United States, and an ambitious jihadist who will begin a violent transformative journey. More intriguing is how the terrorist plot was created that will lead to stock market manipulation, attacks on amusement parks, and nuclear waste poisoning. And amid it all there are romantic challenges that must be faced to create strong bonds to fight against evil.

Crimson Scimitar is labeled as the ‘Awakening Epic of Our Times’, reminding readers that a 9/11 could happen again and that we must be vigilant.

Review excerpts from ‘Literary Titan,’ August 2023:
“We recommend Crimson Scimitar: Attack on America—2001-2027, Including the Official Proceedings of the Capture and Trial of Osama bin Laden to enthusiasts of thrillers, as it offers a captivating and insightful glimpse into the events surrounding the 9/11 attack.
Those seeking a deeper understanding of this pivotal moment in history will undoubtedly find this book compelling and engaging…
Within the pages of this gripping novel lies a deep exploration of the harrowing experiences endured by witnesses and survivors of the 9/11 bombing, offering intricate details of the events leading up to the attack and its haunting aftermath. The relentless pursuit of Osama bin Laden, the enigmatic mastermind behind the attack, becomes the focal point, as readers are compelled to ponder over the motivations that drove him and ultimately led to his downfall. The author’s meticulous research delves into Osama’s background, life experiences, and objectives while also shedding light on the subsequent legal proceedings surrounding his indictment…

Through its powerful narrative, Crimson Scimitar becomes a compelling reminder of the urgent need for unity and the futility of war. Within the expansive tapestry of court proceedings and the enthralling stories that encircle Osama bin Laden, the novel weaves together suspense, intrigue, and action elements that befit a thrilling tale…”

Other works by author S.P. Grogan:

Vegas Die, a Quest Mystery
Best Regional Fiction award

Captain Cooked, Hawaiian Mystery of Romance, Revenge…and Recipes
Best Food Novel, Gourmand International

Lafayette, Courtier to Crown Fugitive, 1757-1777

Atomic Dreams at the Red Tiki Lounge

Cookbook Passion (as Editor)
Best in the World Special Award

Books available at all independent bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and at publisher’s website,
Also in most Ebook formats

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