Results of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (“DAICS®”) Review

A digital asset industry classification system with top level first divide digital assets into 2 main categories CRYPTOS and ASSET BACKED TOKENS (ABTs)

HONG KONG, CHINA, July 12, 2023/ — Today, IX ASIA INDEXES announced the 1st Half 2023 Review of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (“DAICS®”), aiming to provide the professionals worldwide with a transparent and standardized classification scheme to determine sector and exposure of particular digital assets. DAICS® classify digital assets into 2 main categories: a) Cryptocurrencies and b) Asset Backed Tokens and a 3-tier system for each categories (Appendix 1). The results are as follows:

Industry Changes
The industry groups remain unchanged with 5 industries
1) Payment (110)
2) Infrastructure (120)
3) Financial services (130),
4) Tech & Data (140) and
5) Media & Entertainment (150).

Sector Changes
The sectors increased from 13 to 16.
Staking (13030)
Data Management (14020)
Artificial Intelligence (14030)
(For details on Industry & Sector definitions under DAICS®, please refer to Appendix 2
& 3).

Classification Changes
Cardano (ADA)

Industry: Payment (110)
Sector: Transaction & Payment (11010)
Industry: Infrastructure (120)
Sector: Application Development Protocol & Smart Contract (12010)

Green coins
There are 5 Greens coins in this review

They all come from Infrastructure industry

Coverage of DAICS®
The coverage remains unchanged with 50 coins.
The market capitalization coverage (all coins): 94.63%*
The % coverage of market cap of the 50th ranked coin: 0.08%
Member changes within the TOP 50 coins in DAICS® : 8

(For more details about the industry weighting and the 8 changes, please see Appendix 4).

*As of 30th June 2023 based on past 90 days market capitalisation ranking including all coins (stable coins and no exclusions due to any rules).
Note: G as ‘Green’ labelling for cryptocurrencies that adhere to the principles of sustainability

Asset Backed Tokens (ABT)
Asset Types Changes
The asset types remain unchanged at 6
1) Culture (205),
2) Real Estate (215),
3) Financials (235),
4) Entertainment (255),
5) Natural Resources (265), and
6) Green Economy (275)

Branch Changes
The branches increased from 30 to 31.
1) Gaming (25540)
(For details on Asset types and Branches, please refer to Appendix 3).

Coverage of DAICS®

IX ASIA INDEXES has not started to classify any ABT. ABTs will be added to DAICS® in the next stage when a fair amount of popular asset-backed tokens are available in the market. Although there has been an increase in the number of asset-backed tokens, no significant use cases with proper market policy have emerged. A new ABT registry will be made available to the public. A classification summary and definition table are available at Appendix 5 & 6.

For further information regarding the methodology of the DAICS®, please refer to the “IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System”- principle and guilding methodology on the company website

All classification changes including the relating ixCrypto industry indexes will take effect on 1 August 2023.

For more details on our DAICS® qualification criteria, please email [email protected].

For further enquiries, please contact: 

Hayden PUN +852 3595 3638
[email protected]

Martas the Atom GAUTAM +852 3595 3638
[email protected]

About DAICS®

DAICS® covers both cryptocurrencies and asset-backed tokens (“ABT”), to be reviewed semi-annually at the end of June and December. On cryptocurrencies side, it is a three-tier system that groups cryptocurrencies into 5 main industries: 1) Payment, 2) Infrastructure, 3) Financial services, 4) Technology & Data and 5) Media & Entertainment. These industries are further divided into 16 industry sectors and sub-sectors to be introduced in the future. Under asset-backed tokens, there are 6 asset types: 1) Culture, 2) Real Estate, 3) Financials, 4) Entertainment, 5) Natural Resources, 6) Green Economy. These asset types are further divided into 31 branches and sub-branches to be introduced in the future.

About IX Asia Tokenization Advisory Committee and Working Group

The establishment of the IX Asia Tokenisation Advisory Committee (“Advisory Committee”) is to pursue the goal and vision to formulate a standard for global tokenization framework in a compliant and transparent way. The key role of the Advisory Committee is to formulate the guideline and reference for tokenization in terms of infrastructure, business financial stability, sustainability, internal control and classification. The Advisory Committee is comprised of industry recognised leaders from blockchain consultancy, sustainable projects and field in Art industry.

The establishment of the Working Group is to identify, evaluate and recommend key directions and founding principles according to their specific industry knowledge and expertise in relating to the creation of the specified token. It will examine and propose improvements to the guidelines and references for tokenization. The working group is formed of a diverse group of market experts representing relevant sectors and markets, to provide input and discuss case studies for creation of tokenization framework, best practices and development of real-world projects.

For more information about IX Asia Tokenization Advisory Committee & Working Group, please visit

Hayden Pun
IX Asia Indexes Company Limited
+852 3595 3638
email us here
Visit us on social media:

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