The [R]Evolution of Clean Skin Care: A Conversation with Julia Faller, CEO and Formulator of Benedetta

The [R]Evolution of Clean Skin Care: A Conversation with Julia Faller, CEO and Formulator of Benedetta

Julia Faller

Using all-natural ingredients, Benedetta creates lasting results and can help rejuvenate and revitalize damaged skin.

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2023/ — Julia Faller, entrepreneur and CEO of Benedetta Skincare, explains how her products differ from other skincare products. All natural, containing no harsh ingredients, such as harmful petrochemicals or intense fragrances, Benedetta skincare has been a leader in the beauty industry since its launch in 1996. Benedetta is a genuine, 100% Farm-Sourced botanical skincare company founded in Sonoma County, California. Its ingredients are supplied directly from certified organic and biodynamic farms, many of which are domestic.

A pioneer in clean skincare products, Faller answers questions about her skincare line and explains how Benedetta stands out.

Question: What makes Benedetta different from other skincare products?

Answer: “I think the main thing is that I created Benedetta authentically, not copying anyone’s message, following an ingredient trend, or having a private label lab recycle a product. The truth is, consumers buy marketing, not cohesive, functional products,” explains Faller.

Question: What makes a product functional?

Answer: “First, I have to address the trend of Clean Skin Care. I founded Benedetta before the internet had DIY or there were custom-certified organic or clean skincare labs. As aforementioned, I developed all formulas and the Benedetta facial regimen system with a strategic approach to the skin’s needs, from purification to renewal. I then address how the skin receives and, most importantly, utilizes the formulas. Far too many new skincare formulators and labs throw a preponderance of certified organic ingredients together and spin the narrative to market the products. This is true greenwashing. They often appeal to how the product may smell or dissolve in the skin to sell a product, never addressing the true systemic needs of the skin,” says Faller.

Question: How safe is Benedetta to use on sensitive skin?

Answer: “We have treated many sensitive skin dispositions. However, that is also broad as it means different sensitivities to different people. I formulate for the majority of folks, but we at Benedetta like to do consultations and hear what the sensitivity is. Then we can make informed suggestions with the appropriate Benedetta products and often nutritional support. Email for phone consultation [email protected],” says Faller.

Question: What is meant by “clean” skincare products?

Answer: “Free of adulterated ingredients, fully botanicals with no petrochemicals, additives, or preservatives,” Faller informs.

Question: Does Benedetta offer a teen line?

Answer: “No, skin is skin. We want your best behavior, and I make products to address almost all skin needs. The younger, the better for functional results, before they get hooked on salicylic and benzoic acid that addresses the symptom, not the cause,” explains Faller.

Question: Do Benedetta products work on fine lines and wrinkles?

Answer: “Yes, Benedetta is developed to achieve your skin’s best behavior without quick fixes but long-lasting results that correct, prevent, and renew the skin through functional formulations that work for your skin’s ultimate rejuvenation. You literally feel and see the difference when using Benedetta exclusively,” says Faller.

Benedetta may not adhere to the status quo or traditional thinking about what the skin requires, such as no toners after cleansing, no night creams, no soapy cleansers, no SPFs, and so on. Instead, the line is created with a holistic and systemic understanding of what the skin needs to be more nourished and less damaged, explains Faller.

“I marry the intelligence and wisdom of the botanicals in a way that resonates with our vital core and functions of the skin,” says Faller.

To learn more about Julia Faller and Benedetta skincare, click here:

Aurora DeRose
Boundless Media Inc.
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