Elevate at Alaska Women’s Health Reveals New Insight on What Ages Can Benefit From Facial Fillers

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, UNITED STATES, April 13, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ —
In a new guide designed for those over 60 years of age, Elevate at Alaska Women’s Health in Anchorage details new information about what ages can benefit from facial fillers.

Dermal fillers are used by men and women nationwide. And in most cases, dermal fillers are safe for people over 60 years of age. However, to be sure, those interested in dermal fillers should consult with a medical aesthetician. This is because people with certain conditions such as specific allergies and bleeding disorders may develop complications with filler products.

In addition, there are many factors that impact the changes in human skin as we age. And a few of these include:

• Decrease in estrogen and collagen

• Sun exposure

• Cellular turnover

• Unhealthy habits

• Repetitive facial movements

Age changes the human body over time. And this is easily noticed on the skin – particularly on the face. Understanding these natural processes can help a patient and his or her aesthetician choose the best cosmetic procedure, including dermal fillers.

For people over 60 years of age, dermal fillers can offer the potential for a fresh, young appearance. This may include muting deep lines and crow’s feet, as well as making cheeks and lips look plump and supple. However, as mentioned, it’s important that anyone interested in dermal fillers speaks with a competent and trusted aesthetician before making any final decisions. In addition, this procedure should only be given by a licensed medical aesthetician at a medical doctor’s discretion.

Elevate at Alaska Women’s Health, employs trained and experienced providers who specialize in women’s health. The team consists of clinical nurses and doctors with special training in cosmetic procedures such as dermal filler injections. Elevate offers the treatment you need from professionals who safeguard your health while helping you look younger and more appealing.

For more information about dermal fillers, or to schedule a consultation, you can contact Elevate at Alaska Women’s Health and ask to speak with a professional.

Rachael Swalling
Elevate at Alaska Women’s Health
+1 907-563-5151
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/627822972/elevate-at-alaska-women-s-health-reveals-new-insight-on-what-ages-can-benefit-from-facial-fillers