Cosmetic Responsibility: A Deodorant that Lasts 10 Times Longer

Cosmetic Responsibility: A Deodorant that Lasts 10 Times Longer

Alone, body deodorants contribute to 3.5 billion plastic cases ending up in nature after use

crystal deodorant transparent natural

Deodorants contribute to 3.5 billion plastic cases ending up in nature. Finding sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives has become imperative.

BERNE, SWITZERLAND, July 14, 2023/ — Alone, body deodorants contribute to 3.5 billion plastic cases ending up in nature after use. Faced with this alarming reality, it has become imperative to find sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives. In this context, Kalunite Grade A+ Alum Stone emerges as an innovative and ecological solution, offering a deodorant that lasts 10 times longer while preserving its effectiveness.

Manufacturers Propose Sustainable Solutions

Manufacturers have always sought to optimize their profits by offering products with high and repeated consumption. However, the mindset is now shifting. Today, some manufacturers are turning to long-lasting products to preserve the planet and reduce waste. Alum stone is a prime example of this responsible approach. By using high-quality alum stone in a standard 100-gram format, it is possible to enjoy its deodorizing benefits for at least 365 days, resulting in a 10-fold reduction in waste compared to traditional deodorants.

10 Times Less Waste Without Sacrificing Effectiveness

While conventional deodorants last approximately 30 days, pure Grade A+ potassium alum stone such as Kalunite can last for at least 365 days with daily use. By choosing pure alum stone, not only do you significantly reduce your environmental footprint, but you also save money in the long run.

Beneficial for the Consumer

Offering a deodorant that lasts 12 months instead of one may seem counterintuitive from a business perspective. However, this approach benefits both the consumer and the planet. By choosing alum stone-based deodorants, you opt for an economical and environmentally friendly solution without compromising effectiveness. Many brands have embraced this concept and now offer deodorants made of pure alum stone, providing a sustainable alternative for environmentally conscious consumers.

Choose Wisely

However, it is important to exercise caution when selecting your alum stone. Not all alum stones are equal in terms of quality and durability. Depending on their origin and purity, some alum stones may be friable and only last a few months, while others are much more durable. Therefore, it is essential to consider these factors when making your purchase. When seeking a high-quality alum stone, it is recommended to prioritize pure alum stones, which are identifiable by their marbled and crystalline appearance. These high-quality alum stones ensure maximum effectiveness and an extended lifespan. Conversely, impurities in the alum stone can make it friable and diminish its concentration and benefits.

Why Can the Quality and Durability of Alum Stone Vary?

Alum stone is a natural mineral; like all minerals, it can contain undesirable impurities. The quality of alum stones can vary depending on their source, selection method, and preparation. That is why rigorous selection is essential. Pure-selected alum stone is always characterized by its marbled, crystalline, or even transparent texture. By opting for pure alum stone, you ensure that you benefit from all its natural advantages without potential drawbacks associated with impurities.

Ecological Effectiveness

A pure Grade A+ alum stone contains 100% active deodorizing agents and is renowned for its exceptional deodorizing properties. Unlike conventional deodorants that merely mask odors, alum stone acts by regulating the bacterial flora responsible for unpleasant odors. The bacteria present in perspiration and on the surface of the skin are the main culprits of undesirable odors. Alum stone acts as a natural balancer by limiting the proliferation of malodorous bacteria without clogging pores, ensuring effective and long-lasting protection against body odors throughout the day.

Respecting the Environment and Oneself

In conclusion, Kalunite alum stone represents a revolutionary solution to reduce the environmental impact of body deodorants. By choosing high-quality alum stone, you take a concrete step towards preserving the planet while also maintaining your well-being. Make the choice of Kalunite and join the movement toward responsible and environmentally friendly consumption.


Verdan Mineral supplies its marbled Kalunite alum, also known as the “alum stone of Panama,” to numerous natural cosmetics brands. This carefully selected, pure alum originates from Panama, where it undergoes a rigorous purification process to guarantee its quality and effectiveness. By choosing Kalunite, you opt for a high-quality, environmentally friendly potassium alum stone that contributes to reducing your plastic footprint.

For more information about Kalunite and related products, please visit the website at

Francis Verdan
Verdan Switzerland Corp.
+507 6647-2111
email us here

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