ZADAR is on Sunny Side YouTube

ZADAR: Cow from Hell with Duck’s Breath co-founder Leon Martell.

Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre enjoying filming ZADAR. Dan Coffey, Jim Turner, Leon Martell, Merle Kessler, Bill Allard (left to right)

Historic Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre film is now a 46 episode Sunny Side YouTube Playlist.

This is a horror movie, about a giant cow from another planet, I think?”

— Merle Kessler

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, July 3, 2023/ — ZADAR is a comedy film born in Iowa, conceived in Iowa, FUNDED in Iowa, and shot in Iowa.

The independent feature premiered at the Sundance Film festival and starred the Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre comedy troupe. The film was about the making of a movie, called ZADAR: COW FROM HELL, in Iowa. Much love went into its’ making. And blood, sweat and tears. And time.

Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre was formed in Iowa, in Iowa City, Iowa, which has Iowa in its name TWICE.

Duck’s Breath co-founder Merle Kessler talks about the story. “This is a horror movie, about a giant cow from another planet, I think? Or a mutant cow that turns humans into cows. To what end?  Beats me. I forget.  This was made a long time ago. It all leads to trouble for Iowa, though. I remember that.”

Duck’s Breath co-founder Leon Martell adds, “It all works out in the end. So don’t be scared about that. It has a home grown charm. It’s no Citizen Kane, but it’s no Citizen Korn either, if you take my meaning.”

Duck’s Breath co-founder Jim Turner injects, “I was born in Iowa.”

Duck’s Breath co-founder Dan Coffey adds, “I was born in Missouri.”

Duck’s Breath co-founder Bill Allard proclaims, “Sunny Side YouTube is preserving Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre comedy and making it accessible to generations of future comedy lovers.”

Bill Allard
Duck Spots
+1 415-309-3647
email us here

ZADAR Playlist Preview

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